The name of the party shall be Awam Dost Party (ADP).


The party shall have a flag the colors shall be White, Green and Red, and Star in the middle.

ADP Flag


ADP Manifesto

  1. To protect Allah’s sovereignty and uphold the finality of prophet-hood of the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم).

  2. Many of the political parties are in Pakistan tending to revolve around personalities and personality cults rather than policies and programs but “Awam Dost Party PAKISTAN (ADP)” undertakes to change and build the political party based on principles, policies and concrete programs.

  3. To unite and organize the citizens of Pakistan on a political platform so that to gives them political awareness and sense of responsibility.

  4. To eradicate poverty, discrimination, ignorance of all kinds, corruption, nepotism and exploitation in our society, thus make it vibrant and progressive.

  5. To promote and protect the freedom of speech, freedom of thought, right to information and expression.

  6. To create a true representation with equal rights and opportunities for all the citizens of Pakistan irrespective of ethnicity, sex, gender, religion, cast or creed. This will be reflected in AWAM DOST PARTY PAKISTAN (ADPP) structure and membership.

  7. To establish a modern and interest-free economic and social justice through delivering an on-going program for redistribution of wealth by progressive taxation. This will help minimize the rampant income inequality and the resulting exploitation of the poor.

  8. To enforce Urdu as the official language for official communication. To offer free and compulsory high quality education to all. Providing education shall be the state’s responsibility, and as we work toward universal free education, in the interim, this effort can be supplemented by not-for-profit schools/colleges.

  9. To take steps for public welfare to ensure fundamental amenities like food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and determine the labor wages in accordance with their basic needs and promote handicrafts and domestic industry not only within the country but also abroad.

  10. To take steps and arrange the opportunities regarding education, health, employment, on a large scale for the general public and residence for the people of Pakistan. To introduce the concept of social housing where house built by the Government and rented out to the middle class and the poor at reasonable rents.

  11. To empower the women with specific policies that is 30% representation in the state politics and government to enhance their status in the politics, economic and social spheres so to recognize them as an equal member of the community and to eliminate all kinds of exploitations and 20% representation for youth.

  12. To take steps, for the national unity amongst the different religious harmony as desired by the founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam, so as to make a healthy and democratizer society.

  13. Empowering the minority communities and to improve the socio-economic conditions of the minority communities through affirmative action and inclusive development so that every citizen has equal opportunity to participate actively in building a vibrant nation.

  14. To develop a hybrid economy where key industries like railways etc. within the national realm. Industries which do not serve any useful social purpose and within the state may be privatized but with an effort to promote employee ownership.

  15. To undertake massive industrialization to ensure full employment. Industrial policy will ensure enhancement of workers both economically and socially. Given the internet economy, encourage development of small business enterprises which tend to generate employment at a larger scale.

  16. To introduce modern techniques in agriculture and make a comprehensive policy for farmers, provide free solar systems to farmers and establish a system for crop insurance.

  17. To take serious steps to raise awareness and educate the people on the environment crisis. To undertake a commitment to sustainable development with full regard to protecting our environment.

  18. Climate change is considerably harming Pakistan’s economy. Awam Dost Party PAKISTAN (ADPP) is committed to sustainable economic growth with a particular focus on environmental conservation.

  19. To take steps for the correct census to ensure the rights for all the people living in Pakistan.

  20. To take step to protect the rights of the transgender persons from discrimination in education, employment, and health care among other things.

  21. To take all necessary measures to protect and ensure that people with disabilities are able to effectively enjoy their right on an equal basis with others.

  22. To ensure independence of judiciary and to provide inexpensive and expeditious system of justice through a healthy, responsive, credible and effective legal system.

  23. The above is possible only with an informed electorate; AWAM DOST PARTY PAKISTAN (ADPP) will actively engage the citizens to apprise them of their rights and incorporate them in our struggle for a just society.